5 ground rules of foresight

In this 20-minute keynote, FIBRES CEO Panu Kause shares 5 best practices for organizing for foresight.

Learn from this keynote

Rule #1: Continuity

How to establish a continuous way of working.

Rule #2: Bias for action

How to take actions based on your findings.

Rule #3: Shared repository

 Why it's important to use a shared repository.

Rule #4: Preset models

How using preset models for sensemaking helps.

Rule #5: Collaboration

How and why to involve people in your process.

Defining distributed foresight

What your end state could look like.

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Do you need to collect signals and make sense of future topics for strategy, innovation, or R&D? Then FIBRES is the foresight tool for you. It's used by corporations and consultancies for building their own futures intelligence.

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