The foresight tool you'll enjoy using

Simple yet powerful features for horizon scanning and trend management. Built to support your in-house foresight work.

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Add new content with a few clicks

Start with a link, an image, a video, or an idea.

Draft with AI

Lightning-quick trend draft generation based on your own topics.

Web Clipper

Add new signals by clipping news articles and web pages.

Image and video

Create signals and trends from image and video.


Create signals and trends by extracting text from PDF files.


Connect your favourite sources

Bring automated inputs from your favourite sources.

Discussion channels

Import findings from an internal discussion channel.

Open web sources

Import findings from RSS feeds, news sites, and open databases.

Trend data providers

Import findings from commercial data providers.


Create clusters of related findings

Cluster your findings with linkages. Get intelligent suggestions of new linkages.


Link your findings with one another.

AI Picks

Benefit from AI-powered linkage suggestions.


Explore your findings visually with the Network.


Organize your findings hierarchically

Structure your findings into Signals, Signal Clusters, Trends, and Megatrends.


Assess your findings with custom criteria

Assess your findings in collaboration with others.


Assess your findings with criteria relevant to you.

Joint evaluations

Conduct polls for crowdsourced knowledge.


Build trend radars from your findings

Create trend radars for different purposes. Position your findings on your radars.

Custom axes

Choose the names and number of all axes on your Radar.

Multiple Radars

Get multiple Radars to match your trend radar needs.


Group findings for different purposes

Need a trend summary for a particular topic? Hand pick your findings into a Collection.

Topic summaries

Use Collections to address any strategic question.

Scenarios and projects

Use Collections to compile data and summaries for specific purposes.


Export findings with ease

Export your findings as ppt slides to share your findings and create trend reports.


Export your findings as Powerpoint slides.


Export your findings as a CSV file.

Embedded views

Embed your Radar in another tool or website.


Ready to dive in?

Start your free trial today.

30 days free use

You have a full month to try out FIBRES without any obligations or commitments.

Invite your team

Invite unlimited colleagues during your trial so you can explore FIBRES together.

Fits your need

We will configure everything to your preference, all at no cost to you.

Prices starting at €960 per year

Start small and roll out when you're ready to. Find the right plan for your need.

What's in the box

Essential features to support your in-house foresight needs.
Trend database builder

Collaborate with your team to create a database full of signals and trends that are relevant to you.

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Trend radar builder

Create interactive trend radars with your own trends and categories to share with your stakeholders.

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Horizon scanning tool

Follow a feed of signals from your trusted sources and widen your perspectives with AI-suggested inputs.

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Trend mapping tool

Discover the interconnections between your future topics in a captivating and visually stunning trend network.

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How our customers use FIBRES

Information technology

Leveraging FIBRES for strategic trend analysis at ePlus

In the dynamic world of technology solutions, staying ahead of trends is crucial. ePlus, a leading technology solutions provider, has harnessed FIBRES to enhance its ability to identify and track...

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Mapping forces of change in the energy sector

Energy companies play an important role in keeping our houses warm and economies running. From the rise of clean energy to the fall of fossil fuels, the energy sector has seen its share of disruption...

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Using foresight to come up with an unforeseen business idea

How to induce creative power amongst students looking to create the next big thing? This was the challenge faced by two guest lecturers teaching a course on innovation management. The solution?...

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