"This feature is SO good. I see something interesting on BBC News, for example, and I can just add that in."

Collect web articles with one click

Our web clipper makes it easy to collect signals on the internet, connect your new findings with existing ones, and grow your futures understanding. Installing it takes just 5 seconds.

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Trusted by teams at

Save signals when browsing the web

When you find something interesting online, you can save a copy of it to FIBRES with one click.


Grow your futures understanding

With FIBRES and the web clipper, it's easy to cumulate your findings in one place.

Ready to dive in?

Start your free trial today.

30 days free use

You have a full month to try out FIBRES without any obligations or commitments.

Invite your team

Invite unlimited colleagues during your trial so you can explore FIBRES together.

Fits your need

We will configure everything to your preference, all at no cost to you.

Prices starting at €960 per year

Start small and roll out when you're ready to. Find the right plan for your need.

The tool for building your own futures intelligence

Do you need to collect signals and make sense of future topics for strategy, innovation, or R&D? Then FIBRES is the foresight tool for you. It's used by corporations and consultancies for building their own futures intelligence.

Get started today

Try it yourself or let us show you how it works.

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